Sweet Homes Group delegation set up of Abdul Sattar Dero and Fawad Sattar Dero, met with His Royal Highness Prince Henry commonly known as Prince Harry of Prince of Wales during the opening ceremony to commemorate the restoration of Clarence House at the ENGLISH HARBOUR, ST. PAUL’S in Antigua.
Upon the arrival of HRH at V.C. Bird International Airport, the Prince was met by the sights and sounds so traditionally associated with the Caribbean, as a local band provides the soundtrack for an Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force military parade, during which His Royal Highness has formally inspected the Guard.
The delegation of Sweet Homes met with Prince Harry during a reception hosted by the Governor General, His Excellency Sir Rodney Williams, featuring cultural performances introducing His Royal Highness to Antiguan life.
During their talks, the delegation of Sweet Homes appraised the Prince about the future business opportunities in Wales, UK on which the Prince very kindly responded for full co-operation.
Sweet Homes Group and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda enjoy iron-clad business relations. The two sides had earlier signed CIP program. Both Antigua & Barbuda, and Sweet Homes Group have started extensive marketing campaign to offer the Antigua and Barbuda CIP, that individual buyers of villas / units at “Ajman Uptown Project” will be eligible – subject to due diligence approval by CIP unit- for Citizenship under CIP-NDF Program.